Friday, March 18, 2011

Robots and Round 1

I know, I know.... I'm terrible.... I haven't posted anything in about 2 weeks. It's difficult okay ( you'll understand when I write about all that has happened).

So last time I kept my eyes open long enough during free time to write was before mini-spike at the VEX Mid-Atlantic Robotics Championship. That was sooo much fun. It was three busy 12 hour+ days that included 1.) Setting up every single table, chair, competition area, and stage. 2.) Implementing the use of all these things by spending all day on our feet telling groups of nerdy middle schoolers and high schoolers that it was their turn to get in queue. Most of the time they feel it quite unnecessary to listen to the obviously less intelligent people with the head sets and the gray shirts; however, a lot of them were extremely adorable and nerdy and they even elected my teammate Brie as their leader for our awesome game of laser tag one of the nights. 3.) Taking it all back down.

After that we came back and prepared for our debrief on the project and found out where we were going for round one spike. Now most of you already know where I am but for those that don't DRUMROLL PLEASE.....................................................New Jersey. We're working in New Jersey at various camps for inner city youth from New York City and New Jersey. We left last Saturday and we've been working here all week and so far its been pretty groovy. The wonderful ladies of Buffalo 2 get to stay in a sweet little cabin complete with bunk beds and a miniscule shower. We LOVE it. (the boys get to stay in a big theater building that kids actually inhabit on the weekends and their room is the size of a closet :) )
So far this week the camp we've worked at has been the Trail Blazers camp and my main project has been moving the library. The people who set the library up before us thought it was a good idea to have categorical groupings like "Birds, Plants and Dinosaurs" so me and two of my teammates went through every single book, put them in categories that made sense, and alphabetized our behinds off. But it is all done now and it was well worth it. Today I cleared away some camp ground space and then in the afternoon we put up a gigantic sign that required a power drill  (any day there is a power tool involved is a good day) and dumping cement. And that brings us to now. I'm positive I skipped some important little things (like how I spent the entirety of the week before we left at the library preparing our media plans or how I am in fact the regional coordinator of the all the media representatives in New York and New Jersey you know... things like that) but you guys are just going to have to get over it.

Hope all is well wherever you may be.
Love you and miss you all

(You will get some more pictures soon I promise)

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