Monday, February 14, 2011

Tons of fun... And we've only just begun.

So I last left off wednesday night right before I went to sleep. The next morning we went to PT at 6 am. Here are a few things I learned from that PT session: it is very easy to get dehydrated at 6 am and you probably will get very dizzy if you don't drink a lot of water the night before, butt thrusts are very difficult, and the military style chanting will remain in your head the remainder of the day. After PT we got to go on a tour of the little town we are near to and afterwards it was time for our shots/tb test. I don't like shots :( we spent the rest of the night hanging out with our temp teams. They tell you not to get attached but its really hard when they are all so awesome.
Friday we had our first service project! We painted the inside of the department of public works and ummmmmm.......broke a desk and put a hole in the wall. Some people might ask if we did more harm than good....we don't like to talk to those people. Afterwards we made dinner and had a reflection on the day.
Saturday I got my tb test read (negative)in the morning and spent the rest of the day playing games like catch phrase and jenga and soccor. Attached is a picture of or epic jenga. That night we went out to a local bar and what might be considered to much fun. :)
This morning I got to sleep in and hang out with some people. I really can't emphasize how nice everybody here is enough, it feels like we've all been friends for years it really is hard to believe that we've only been here a week.
It was nice to get out there and get stuff done on friday. I can't wait to start really getting into the service part of this adventure. The more people I can have a positive impact on the better. I believe most of our training next week will be in disaster relief so I'm very excited about that (not that I don't love listening to policy for hours on end). As for now I should probably get to bed (PT AT 6 O'FREAKING CLOCK AGAIN!!). Hope everyone reading this having as much fun as me. And a happy early valentines day to my Alex who I miss more every day.
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